Tourism in Poverty Alleviation Addressed at UNWTO Conference in Lusaka

Tourism in Poverty Alleviation Addressed at UNWTO Conference in Lusaka

Lusaka (Zambia) – November 30, 2017 ( – The potential of tourism in poverty alleviation and to induce transformative change has been addressed in Lusaka, capital city of Zambia, in the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Conference on Promoting Sustainable Tourism, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa. The Conference, a flagship event of the Africa region for the celebration of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, took place last 16-18 November and was coordinated by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in cooperation with the Government of Zambia.

According to UNWTO statistical data, the African continent had an increase of international arrivals of 8% in 2016, compared to the previous year. This, together with the increasing commitment of African governments to position tourism in their agenda, reveals the gaining prominence of the sector as well as its strong potential to foster positive change and transformation.

The Conference that was preceded by a technical workshop to revise strategies and approaches to develop sustainable tourism initiatives in the African continent, tackled these issues as well as the potential of sustainable tourism to lead policies to foster communities inclusion. The summit was attended by more than 200 international and local participants from Angola, Egypt, Jordan, Cabo Verde, Guinea Equatorial Kenya, Mali, Republic of Congo, Sudan, Switzerland, Spain, Union of the Comoros, Malawi, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The event commenced with a Ministerial Dialogue on Tourism, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in the African continent, attended by Charles Banda, Minister of Tourism and Arts of Zambia, Ronald Chitotela, Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development of Zambia, Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General, Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism of Kenya, Abdelgadir Dmein Hassan Undersecretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Antiquities and Wildlife of Sudan and Dorothy Tembo, Deputy Executive Director at the International Trade Center. The session was moderated by Brownyn Nielsen, Editor-in-Chief at CNBC Africa who invited the attendees to showcase sustainable tourism practices in the region and how the sector could help achieve the SDGs and generate benefits for African societies.

The framework of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals were defined together with the African Union Agenda 2063 as the best scenario to foster sustainable tourism in the continent.

Precisely to this green, responsible and eco-friendly tourism was dedicated the intervention of Charles Banda, Minister of Tourism and Arts of Zambia who emphasized that “sustainability is believed to be the link between the present and the future. As patrons of the tourism sector our role is to ensure that even our children’s children experience the same nature in the form that it currently is and not in a worse off state.”

As commented by Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development is a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of the tourism sector and to promote activities to enhance the contribution of the sector for national economies. The President emphasized the capacity of tourism to contribute to local development and stated that “the Lusaka Declarationis an important milestone in the Agenda 2030 and towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and in the recognition of tourism as an essential development pillar.”

UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai, who congratulated Zambia for hosting the Conference as member of the UNWTO Executive Council and Chair for 2019, highlighted that the current world is facing major transformations namely the digital revolution, connecting our minds virtually and globally, the urban revolution, connecting our life style and our livelihoods and the travel revolution connecting us physically and culturally “Today, the world is at a major transformation juncture, rapid and fast change is the essence of our time. The three global forces are leading this transformation”, he added. During his visit, Rifai also declared the South Luangwa National Park of Zambia as a sustainable park.

Partnerships, technology and wildlife conservation at the core

The sessions were organized into four panels tackling Public-Private Partnership, the Role of Technology in the development of tourism, Wildlife conservation and Community Engagement and Air Connectivity in Africa.

The final outcome of the conference was the Lusaka Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Tourism Development, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa. The document, which places sustainability at the core of tourism development and on national and international development agendas, was adopted unanimously by all participants.

UNWTO Media Officer
Rut Gomez Sobrino
Tel: (+34) 91 567 81 60
UNWTO Communications & Publications Programme
Tel: (+34) 91 567 8100
Fax: +34 91 567 8218

The Lusaka Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Tourism

The Lusaka Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Tourism

Lusaka (Zambia) – November 30, 2017 ( – The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), presents its compliments to the Members of the UNWTO Commission for Africa, the Affiliate Members of the region as well as other recipients, and has the honour to present to them The Lusaka Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Tourism, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa.

This declaration took place during the International Conference on Promoting Sustainable Tourism:A Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa, held in Lusaka, Zambia from 16-18 November 2017 organized jointly by the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the UNWTO as an official event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017 (IY2017).

The final outcome of the conference was the Lusaka Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Tourism Development, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa. The document, which places sustainability at the core of tourism development and on national and international development agenda, was adopted unanimously by all participants.

We are shar this declaration with the representatives of the private sector, tour operators and other sectors related and committed to sustainable tourism and its potential in poverty alleviation and to transformative change.

on Promoting Sustainable Tourism, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa
Lusaka, Zambia, 16-18 November 2017

We, the representatives of Africa’s tourism administrations, international and regional organizations, local communities, and the private sector, gathered at the International Conference on “Promoting Sustainable Tourism: A Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa”, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Arts of the Republic of Zambia and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in Lusaka, Zambia, on 16-18 November 2017, as an official event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 (IY2017),

1. Recalling

1.1 The UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/69/233 of 19 December 2014 on the “Promotion of sustainable tourism, including ecotourism, for poverty eradication and environment protection”, which recognizes that “sustainable tourism, including ecotourism,represents an important driver of sustainable economic growth and decent job creation and that it can have a positive impact on income generation and education, and thus on the fight against poverty and hunger”;

1.2 The UN General Assembly Resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015 on “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as UN Resolution A/RES/70/193 declaring 2017 as the International Year for Sustainable Tourism for Development;

1.3 The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 1 3 September 2007, which sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, including their rights to culture, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues, as well as the First African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, adopted in the framework of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP22) on 10 November 2016 in Marrakech,Morocco, that serves as a voluntary framework to monitor and implement sustainable and responsible principles in the tourism sector and which reaffirms the “firm belief that tourism is one of the key drivers of socioeconomic development in Africa”;

1.4 The African Union Agenda 2063 whose vision is for “an integrated prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in international arena” and which recognizes tourism as a tool for socioeconomic development, the empowerment of women and youth and for environmental preservation;

1.5 The UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, approved by the UNWTO General Assembly in
1999 and endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2001, which comprises a comprehensive set of principles as guidelines for responsible and sustainable tourism, including the provision of fair and quality training and employment opportunities in tourism;

1.6 The UNWTO “Manila Call for Action on Measuring Sustainable Tourism” of 23 June 2017, which recognizes that “sustainable tourism drives inclusive economic growth and social development by promoting entrepreneurship, creating jobs and fighting poverty” and is based on the strong conviction that credible and comprehensive data on sustainable tourism is key for effective evidence-based policies and management;

1.7 The ChengduDeclaration of the 22nd UNWTO GeneralAssembly on “Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals” of 13 September 2017, which affirms that “tourism is a vital instrument for the achievement of the 17 SDGs and beyond”;

2. Taking into consideration that tourism, if well managed and monitored, has the potential to contribute directly or indirectly to all 17 SDGs in view of its cross-cutting nature, and the fact that it is specifically featured in Goals 8, 12 and 14 on inclusive and sustainable economic growth, sustainable consumption and production, and the sustainable use of oceans and marine resources;

3. Understanding that tourism can, with appropriate planning and implementation, substantially contribute to poverty reduction and inclusive growth, environmental conservation and the preservation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage and traditions, and building peace;

4. Recognizing that tourism represents a key driver for job creation, community pride and social welfare and can contribute to the empowerment of local communities, in particular to the empowerment of women and youth;

5. Emphasizing that Africa is endowed with rich biodiversity, cultural and artistic heritage, vibrant communities and growing cities, with immense tourism potential, and is expected to double its international tourist arrivals to 134 million by 2030;

6. Considering that the development of tourism in Africa offers opportunities in terms of infrastructure development, destination access, connectivity, travel facilitation, safety and security, human capital development, women’s and youth empowerment, and marketing;

7. Taking into consideration that local companies and communities should be fully integrated in the tourism value chain to minimize economic leakages from the importation of inputs into the sector, and that local procurement for tourism services can generate business opportunities for local supplies;

8. Understanding that integrating sustainable consumption and production patterns in the tourism sector in Africa requires, among others, the identification and adoption of tourism planning approaches that improve resource efficiency by tourism stakeholders;

9. Emphasizing that approaches such as the circular economy – which promotes business models based on renewable resources, longer and diverse product life cycles, shared consumption and interconnected value chains – can play a significant role when designing and improving resource management systems not only in the tourism sector, but for the sustainable development of destinations as well;

10. Recommend raising awareness of tourism’s role in contributing to sustainable development in Africa at the global, regional and national levels, and to prioritize tourism development in national plans in Africa in order to position the sector more effectively in accessing development assistance, Aid for Trade (AfT) and other financing mechanisms;

11. Encourage maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative aspects of tourism through the adoption and application of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by governments and the private sector;

12. Urge that local communities and indigenous peoples are involved the development of tourism and that local economic impacts are enhanced by engaging local communities through their direct participation in the management of tourism attractions, services and facilities, and supporting the establishment of small tourism-related business;

13. Recommend encouraging the global donor community, investors and financial institutions to recognise the potential of tourism to contribute to the SDGs and to increase investment for the sustainable development of tourism, particularly related to infrastructure, product and human resource development, research and technology;

14. Recommend promoting safe, secure and seamless travel, liberalizing the skies and providing incentives for all types of transportation enterprises to expand their services within the African continent and beyond;

15. Encourage Governments and other regional stakeholders to join the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme, which aims to promote innovation and circular thinking to accelerate resource efficiency in the tourism value chain;

16. Invite Governments and other regional stakeholders to join the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) to promote socially, economically and environmentally sustainable tourism, and to support the practice of informed policy making around the world, mainly through the identification and dissemination of best practices and enhanced awareness of and capacity-building for sustainability among tourism stakeholders;

17. Recognize that private-public partnerships (PPPs) will continue to be relevant and beneficial as a vehicle for tourism development and that various countries have developed models relevant to their circumstances and thus acknowledge the need to share lessons and best practices amongst the global community through a potential knowledge network;

18. Encourage countries to develop modalities to monitor PPPs for sustainability, including those involving communities and the private sector;

19. Call upon

19.1 The Governments of Africa to actively develop and implement tourism policies that further contribute to sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs;

19.2 All tourism stakeholders to work together to promote safe and seamless travel, improve infrastructure and connectivity to and within the African region;

19.3 All tourism stakeholders to benefit from technological achievements and incorporate them into their sustainable tourism plans and practices towards positioning an “African Tourism Brand” while simultaneously contributing to development;

19.4 All tourism stakeholders to ensure local community participation along the entire value chain;

19.5 All tourism stakeholders to recognize the role of tourism in contributing to a greater understanding and respect among civilizations, cultures and religions, and thus to peace;

19.6 The global donor community, investors, and financial institutions to recognize the potential of tourism to contribute to the 2030 Agenda, and to substantially increase investment in sustainable tourism development in Africa and beyond;

19.7 The UN, and UNWTO in particular, as well as other international organisations, to intensify efforts to advance tourism as a tool for sustainable development, with a specific focus on the African region, and to trigger changes in policies, business practices and consumer behaviour on the occasion of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 and beyond;

20. Extend

Our sincere gratitude to our host, the Government of Zambia, for its warm hospitality and amiable support for the organization of the Conference, as well as its significant contribution to the advancement of the sustainable tourism agenda as a driver for change and an inclusive future.

Lusaka, 17 November 2017

Best Western Celebrates Successful Year with Accelerated Expansion Across Asia

Best Western Celebrates Successful Year with Accelerated Expansion Across Asia

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 29, 2017 (travelindex) – Best Western Hotels and Resorts is celebrating yet another successful year in Asia, with multiple new hotels being launched in key business and leisure destinations all across the region.

So far in 2017, Best Western has opened nine new hotels in Asia, located in Myanmar, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. These have included two brands which are entirely new to the region – BW Premier Collection® and SureStay Plus® Hotel by Best Western – providing further choice for guests in all segments of the market.

The company’s rapid expansion will gather pace in the coming months and years. Following the signing of eight new hotels in three Asian countries – Japan, Thailand and Vietnam – in 2017, Best Western’s regional pipeline now features 24 hotels containing over 1,000 rooms.

Best Western is already one of the most popular international hotel brands in Asia, and we are delighted to introduce more industry-leading properties to guests in this exciting, up-and-coming region,” said Olivier Berrivin, Best Western’s Managing Director of International Operations – Asia.

“Since 2015, we have launched eight new global brands, taking our total portfolio to 11 brands covering almost every section of the market, from economy SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western to upper-upscale BW Premier Collection. We are also catering to the dynamic millennial market with our new cutting-edge concepts, Vīb® and GLō®.

“We look forward to introducing guests to even more of these innovative new brands in the future, as we continue to develop a collection of high-quality hotels in key cities and resort locations, as well as emerging destinations all across Asia,” Olivier added.

“Best Western is excited to be expanding its brand portfolio all across Asia,” said Ron Pohl, Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer for Best Western Hotels & Resorts. “These new hotels, a number of which come from Best Western’s new generation of hotel brands, diversify Best Western’s offerings across the region and appeal to travelers of all types. We look forward to providing guests with an exceptional experience in some of Asia’s most popular destinations.”

The company’s Asian expansion will start immediately, with two new hotels scheduled to open in Indonesia before the end of 2017 – Best Western Kamala Jimbaran in Bali and Best Western Kindai Hotel in Benjamasin.

In 2018, five more Best Western-branded hotels are on track to open their doors. These include Best Western Sapporo Odori-Koen and Best Western Yamagata Airport in Japan; Best Western Hotel Metro Clark in the Philippines; Best Western Ahlone in Myanmar’s commercial capital Yangon; and Vīb Sanam Pao in Bangkok. Designed specifically for the thriving millennial market, the new-build Vīb Sanam Pao will mark the debut of Best Western’s exciting new Vīb hotel concept in Asia.

Another eleven new Best Western-branded hotels are then scheduled to launch in 2019 and 2020, including five in Thailand, where demand for quality accommodation continues to surge.

Best Western Prime Square will mark the company’s entry into Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand’s cultural capital, and Best Western Premier Bayphere will become Best Western’s first hotel in Pattaya, the popular resort destination. This will be complemented by BluPhere Pattaya, BW Premier Collection – a stunning upscale beachfront hotel overlooking the Gulf of Thailand.

Best Western Chatuchak will provide the perfect base for guests seeking to explore Bangkok’s legendary Chatuchak Market, and Best Western Nada Don Mueang will become one of the closest hotels to Don Mueang International Airport – Bangkok’s rapidly expanding low-cost carrier terminal.

Finally, Best Western Premier Hotel Gulberg will open in Lahore, becoming the company’s first upscale property in Pakistan, and Best Western Premier Sonasea Phu Quoc – a beautiful beachfront property on idyllic Phu Quoc Island – will mark Best Western’s return to Vietnam.

Best Western now has a portfolio of 55 hotels and resorts in destinations all across Asia, providing more than 7,400 rooms and suites. Whichever hotel guests choose, they are guaranteed comfortable, international standard accommodation with intuitive service and modern facilities, including complimentary Wi-Fi as standard.

About Best Western Hotels & Resorts:
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand with a global network of 4,200* hotels in more than 100* countries and territories worldwide. Best Western offers 11 hotel brands to suit the needs of developers and guests in every market: Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Vīb®, GLō®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, BW Premier Collection®, and BW Signature CollectionSM by Best Western; as well as its recently launched franchise offerings: SureStay® Hotel by Best Western, SureStay Plus® Hotel by Best Western and SureStay CollectionSM by Best Western. Now celebrating more than 70 years of hospitality, Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales and marketing support, and award-winning online and mobile booking capabilities. Best Western continues to set industry records regarding awards and accolades, including 64 percent of the brand’s North American hotels earning a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award in 2017, Business Travel News® ranking Best Western Plus and Best Western number one in upper-mid-price and mid-price hotel brands, and Best Western receiving seven consecutive Dynatrace® Best of the Web awards for its leading hotel website. Best Western has also won nine consecutive AAA®/CAA® Lodging Partner of the Year awards, recognizing the brand’s commitment to providing exceptional service and great value to AAA/CAA’s nearly 58 million members in the U.S. and Canada. Best Western-branded hotels were top ranked in J.D. Power’s 2017 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study – ranking first in breakfast (food and beverage category) for midscale; and second in overall guest satisfaction. Over 32 million travelers are members of the brand’s award-winning loyalty program Best Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western hotel worldwide. Best Western’s partnerships with AAA/CAA and Harley-Davidson® provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. Through its partnership with Google® Street View, Best Western is the first major company of its size and scale to launch a virtual reality experience for customers, setting a new industry standard and reinventing how guests view hotels.
* All Best Western and SureStay-branded hotels are independently owned and operated.
* Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.

Marketing Communications Department
Best Western Hotels and Resorts – Asia
Tel: +66 2 656 1260
Sirimanas Maungrod
Orapan Sornnuwat

Striking 3D Building Projection Mapping Event at Bangkok’s New Landmark

Striking 3D Building Projection Mapping Event at Bangkok’s New Landmark

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 27, 2017 ( – Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB) is announcing its arrival in the super-luxury mixed-use market as a new city landmark by staging the grand event Beautiful Bangkok by Magnolias at Ratchaprasong, in line with the government’s tourism goals. With Thailand’s first 3D projection mapping on a 60-story building, Magnolias aims to give Thais and visitors a new experience, enhancing Bangkok’s global image.

Mr. Visit Malaisirirat, CEO of Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), one of Thailand’s leading property developers, said super-luxury mixed-use projects have been trending throughout the year, putting the market clearly in the spotlight. The four essential factors for its success are location, design, value, and service. A prime location that is also convenient creates greater value. Outstanding design enables the property to stand out and encapsulate buyers’ identity. Economic value makes the project worth investing in. Comprehensive services fully meet clients’ needs, covering all areas from condominiums to the hotel and facilities.

“Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB) is a super-luxury mixed-use project proceeding under MQDC. It is located in a landmark area at the heart of Bangkok, Ratchaprasong, known as the city’s economic center with rapid growth in several commercial and residential projects. We intend to develop this project prioritizing design and the selection of high-quality materials, which is apparent through the building’s iconic shape, innovatively constructed with highly sophisticated technology that meets our commitment to deliver the very best to our clients.

“In addition to offering opulent suites, we are in alliance with Hilton’s renowned 5-star hotel brand Waldorf Astoria, which is another source of pride for us as Waldorf Astoria Bangkok will be the first of the brand’s hotels in Southeast Asia. To further guarantee the project’s success, MRB received three prestigious awards from theThailand Property Awards in 2014 including Best Architectural Design, Best Interior Design, and Highly Recommend – Best Luxury Condo Development (Bangkok).”

Regarding the project’s progress, Ms. Peachpattha Pakakan, Vice President of Marketing and Sales Projects for Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB), said:“We have already sold 80% of the total of 316 units. Our clients are about 50% Thai and 50% foreign, mainly from Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. The driving factors for our satisfying sales growth are MRB’s location at one of Thailand’s top destinations and its being a mixed-use development, enabling it to meet our residents’ every need, along with the fully equipped facilities. In the coming year, the units that we plan to sell are two-bedroom units sized 72-106 sq m with a starting price of about THB20 million/unit or THB 280,000/sq m. For penthouses, we have eight and have now sold four. We expect to complete the whole project within Q2/2018 and our new sales gallery on site will officially open on 1 December 2017”

To elevate the Ratchaprasong district’s global appeal, Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB) has joined Ratchaprasong Square Trade Association (RSTA) to plan development and conservation while promoting Ratchaprasong Square as a center of economic activity.

Mr. Visit Malaisirirat said: “We are very pleased to be a member of the Ratchaprasong Square Trade Association (RSTA) as the area is the country’s key business district and also globally well-known as Thailand’s most remarkable luxurious lifestyle center. Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC) believes that our property project, Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard, once we are allied with the RSTA, will complete the magnificent scenery of the Ratchaprasong-Ratchadamri district.

“Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard also complements the district to become a genuine landmark and a center of the retail market, wholesales, hospitality, luxury residences, and also MICE [meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions] in the heart of the capital. As well, the project enhances the potential of the Ratchaprasong-Ratchadamri area to become one of the global key business districts.

“To reinforce our commitment with the mission of further complementing the Ratchaprasong-Ratchadamri area, we are collaborating with the RSTA and theTourism Authority of Thailand in organizing ‘Beautiful Bangkok by Magnolias @Ratchaprasong’, the country’s first ever 3D projection mapping performance on a 60-story skyscraper event.”

Mr. Malaisirirat said: “Beautiful Bangkok by Magnolias @Ratchaprasong is another activity that we’d like to give Bangkok as a present that brings smiles, happiness, and pride. We sincerely hope that with this grand event, we can display Bangkok’s beauty to people around the world and make Ratchaprasong known as a business district globally. During the festive season, the number of visitors to the area increases by about 30% from 600,000 visitors to 780,000 visitors a day.”

Beautiful Bangkok by Magnolias @Ratchaprasong will use Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB) as the canvas for high-technology innovative 3D building mapping projection through collaboration with the world-renowned Limelight group of artists. The show will take place on 14-30 December 2017 with five performances daily at 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm, 7.45pm, and 8:00pm and on 31 December with an additional sixth performance at 11:55pm.

Ms. Peachpattha said: “It’s our honor to organize this activity to raise the country’s image and allow people to enjoy the event together during this festive season. To join these fun activities, submit your best photo to compete to win THB 100,000 for depicting Beautiful Ratchaprasong or Beautiful Magnolias with name, address, and contact number. Contestants can also can post a photo with a caption on Facebook or Instagram and add #beautifulbangkok
#beautifulratchaprasong #beautifulmagnolias #bangkokiconiclandmark. Follow the shows and activities itinerary at and”

For further information, please contact:
Voradanu Nimmit (Timmie)
Vice President, Project Communications & Media Relations
Pantamas Krikul (Tookta)
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Stakeholder Relations

Project Information:
Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard (MRB) is a super-luxury mixed-use development worth over THB11 billion built on the last piece of prime land on Ratchadamri Road. The developer of the project is Magnolia Finest Corp., Ltd., under Magnolia Quality Development Corp., Ltd. (MQDC).

The 60-story high-rise development is on 9,600 sq m (6 rai) of prime land with 316 residences on floors 17–54, with 88 one-bedroom suites (48–60 m2), 220 two-bedroom suites (72–106 m2), 6 duplex penthouse (250-360 m2) and 2 penthouses (290–300 m2).

The outstanding exterior’s exceptional design is inspired by magnolia petals, whose beauty packs unyielding strength within. The delicate curves and lines spiral magnificently down to the base evoking a flower blossom.

To enhance value and sophistication, the most innovative technology was used to create the building’s perfect curves and its iconic sunshade or façade. The façade not only protects the interior from heat but also embellishes the already stunning building, visible from afar as if mirrors were delicately aligned and twisted into an embrace with the main construction, a sight even more exquisite when sparkling in the Bangkok sun.

Applying concepts from Thai architecture suited to the country’s tropical climate, the building’s design saves energy through taking into consideration the direction of sunlight and placing shade appropriately.

The meticulous interior design is in a modern classic style, simple yet luxuriously elegant, inspired by the English Townhouse concept, featuring the modesty of soft soothing beige, white, and gray palettes. Crystal floor lamps pay tribute to the sweet yet sassy spirit of a young woman with unique individuality, while the elegant modern style brings in smart, modern, and mysterious characteristics with the play of light and dark as well as the furniture’s simple patterns with hidden intriguing details in materials ranging from stainless steel to glass.

Kitchens are furnished with world famous luxury kitchen brand Bulthaup, with Franke sinks and top-quality Siemens kitchenware. Bathrooms are equipped with leading brands including Dornbracht taps, Hansgrohe sanitary ware, exclusively designed for the project, and Käsch bathtubs.

Complete service is assured alongside several amenities and facilities including Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard Lounge Club exclusive to Private Residents Club members, valet parking, curved garden view library, fitness facilities, jogging tracks along the sloping garden, swimming pools with a children’s pool and Jacuzzi, steam room, and sauna as well as 24-hour security.

Waldorf Astoria Bangkok:
The opening of Waldorf Astoria Bangkok brings “True Waldorf Service” to the city of Angels alongside elegant and refreshing designs by the renowned designers Andre Fu and AvroKO. Ideally located in the heart of downtown Bangkok Ratchaprasong intersection, Waldorf Astoria Bangkok features 171 modern and elegantly appointed Guest Rooms and Suites starting from 50 sqm, each providing a spacious and generous setting with thoughtfully designed floor to ceiling windows, work and resting areas, walk in closet and exquisite Salvatore Ferragamo bathroom amenities.

The hotel provides a selection of fine dining options including the iconic Bull & Bear Signature Grill on L55, The Loft and Champagne Bar atop Levels 56-57 with unparalleled Bangkok skyline views, the elegant Peacock Alley for light dining and afternoon tea, The Brasserie for all day dining, and Front Room serving a unique combination of “New Nordic” and “Thai” cuisine.

Waldorf Astoria Bangkok also offers the perfect setting for any occasion or event. The signature Magnolia Ballroom is an idyllic location for Weddings and Gala Social Events, while an additional 8 well-appointed meeting rooms offer a variety of unique aspects and natural light, ideal for conferences, private receptions and business meetings.

Waldorf Astoria Bangkok also features an outdoor Infinity Pool, Spa, Fitness Lounge, Personal Concierge Service, and Limousine Service.

About Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC):
Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited is a business unit of DTGO Corporation Limited (DTGO) that develops, invests in, and manages villa, condominium, and mixed-use projects. MQDC develops residential and mixed-use projects under the Magnolias and Whizdom brands.

MQDC offers an industry-leading 30-year warranty on all its projects in line with its exceptional construction standards.

Under its mission to improve the quality of living for all, MQDC invests in research and development to create products and innovations for consumers as well as ecosystems that support environment-friendly living and add value to surrounding communities.

MQDC is determined to operate with concern for all life on Earth, advancing this agenda through sustainable development for the wider benefit of society.

Kenya Wins 4 World Golf Awards in Spain

Kenya Wins 4 World Golf Awards in Spain

La Manga (Spain) – November 27, 2017 ( – During the World Golf Awards Ceremony at La Manga in Spain, Kenya bagged four major awards and prizes, establishing itself firmly as a Golf Tourism Destination on the world map. The World Golf Awards, which is the most prestigious awards program in the Golf Tourism Industry, serves to reward excellence in Golf Tourism, Golf Courses and Golf Destinations.

The Great Rift Valley Lodge & Golf Resort won 2 prizes: The Best Golf Hotel in Africa and the Best Golf Hotel in Kenya, while  Vipingo Ridge – Baobab Course won the best Golf Course for the year 2017.

Tobs Kenya Golf Safaris, Travel & Events won Kenya’s Best Golf Tour Operator Award for the 3rd time in a row.

Golf Tourism constitutes a vital segment in the global tourism, as it is the largest segment in the sports and adventure travel market with a market size of US $ 15 billion per year. The World Golf Awards, now in its 4th year is part of the World Travel Awards.

Tobs Cohen, is excited about Kenya winning 4 awards and says: “Since we started our operations in 1991, our objective has always been to promote Kenya as a world class Golf Destination through excellent experiences in world Class Hotels, while playing world class Golf Courses in combination with top class service. I congratulate Great Rift Valley Lodge & Golf Resort and Vipingo Baobab Course with these prestigious awards. For ourselves, to win this award for the 3rd time in a row, is proof that we are succeeding in what we are set to do. This Award is an encouragement to continue in our quest to grow Kenya’s potential to attracting many Golfing Tourists.”

East Africa continues to grow as a Golf Tourism Destination, with several new 18 hole championship Golf Courses opening in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. This region boasts a total of more than 50 golf courses.

In combination with superb weather all-year-round, wild life safaris and beach holidays, East Africa is a real Gem for Golfing Tourists.

For more information contact:
Tobs Cohen
Tobs Kenya Golf Safaris, Travel & Events
P.O. Box 20146,
00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254-20-2687117

Brand New Best Western Hotel at Bangkok’s Don Mueang International Airport

Brand New Best Western Hotel at Bangkok’s Don Mueang International Airport

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 24, 2017 (travelindex) – Best Western Hotels & Resorts continues to capitalize on Bangkok’s popularity as an international tourism destination, with the announcement of a brand new hotel at the city’s Don Mueang International Airport.

Scheduled to open in the fourth quarter of 2020, Best Western Nada Don Mueang Hotel will be a modern midscale hotel serving the needs of airport passengers, as well as the rising number of business and leisure travelers exploring North Bangkok.

Upon completion, Best Western Nada Don Mueang Hotel will feature 270 comfortable and contemporary guest rooms, all equipped with the latest high-tech facilities and complimentary Wi-Fi. Guests will also be offered a healthy breakfast, providing the perfect start for their busy day ahead.

Best Western Nada Don Mueang Hotel will be the third new-build hotel developed for Best Western Hotels & Resorts by its highly-regarded partner, Nuchinporn Co., Ltd, following Best Western Plus Wanda Grand Hotel, which is already operating in North Bangkok, providing stylish upper-midscale stays and extensive MICE facilities, and the millennial-focused Vīb Sanampao Bangkok, which is under construction.

“Bangkok is one of the world’s most popular destinations for international travelers, and many of these visitors are now arriving and departing the city through Don Mueang International Airport,” said Olivier Berrivin, Best Western’s Managing Director of International Operations – Asia.

“We are delighted to be working with Nuchinporn Co., Ltd. once again, following our two previous partnerships. Together, these three exciting new hotels will provide a choice of high-quality international accommodation and facilities for travelers in the up-and-coming area of North Bangkok,” he added.

“Best Western is excited to be adding the Best Western Nada Don Mueang Hotel to its portfolio of hotels in Bangkok,” said Ron Pohl, Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer for Best Western Hotels & Resorts. “As the city’s tourism continues to rise, Best Western is pleased to offer yet another exceptional hotel that, upon completion, is sure to provide guests with the superior service and amenities that today’s travelers are looking for.”

Home to many of the region’s booming low-cost carriers, including Thai AirAsia, Nok Air and Thai Lion Air, Don Mueang International Airport handled more than 25 million passengers in the first eight months of 2017.

With direct connections to many of Asia’s largest cities, including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta, plus an extensive network of domestic routes, the growth of Don Mueang has been instrumental in driving intra-regional travel to Bangkok. And with further expansion work planned at Don Mueang in the coming years, including a new light rail link to downtown Bangkok, this airport will continue to play a key role in the growth of Thailand’s tourism industry and economy in future.

Best Western Nada Don Mueang Hotel will become one of the closest internationally-branded hotels to the airport, catering for all passengers arriving at or departing from Don Mueang. It will also provide a convenient base for visitors to nearby local attractions, including IMPACT, Bangkok’s largest conference and exhibition center, the World Medical Center and the Thai government complex.

Best Western Hotels & Resorts’ Asian regional headquarters are located in Bangkok, and the company is highly optimistic about the city’s future. There are currently five Best Western®-branded properties operating in the Thai capital including SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Sukhumvit 2, which opened recently and became Asia’s first SureStay hotel.

The company’s Bangkok portfolio will expand significantly in the coming years, with several exciting new Best Western hotels scheduled to open in key business, leisure and transit destinations all across the city, under multiple brands.

About Best Western Hotels & Resorts:
Best Western Hotels & Resorts headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a privately held hotel brand with a global network of 4,200* hotels in more than 100* countries and territories worldwide. Best Western offers 11 hotel brands to suit the needs of developers and guests in every market: Best Western®, Best Western Plus®, Best Western Premier®, Vīb®, GLō®, Executive Residency by Best Western®, BW Premier Collection®, and BW Signature CollectionSM by Best Western; as well as its recently launched franchise offerings: SureStay® Hotel by Best Western, SureStay Plus® Hotel by Best Western and SureStay CollectionSM by Best Western. Now celebrating more than 70 years of hospitality, Best Western provides its hoteliers with global operational, sales and marketing support, and award-winning online and mobile booking capabilities. Best Western continues to set industry records regarding awards and accolades, including 64 percent of the brand’s North American hotels earning a TripAdvisor® Certificate of Excellence award in 2017, Business Travel News® ranking Best Western Plus and Best Western number one in upper-mid-price and mid-price hotel brands, and Best Western receiving seven consecutive Dynatrace® Best of the Web awards for its leading hotel website. Best Western has also won nine consecutive AAA®/CAA® Lodging Partner of the Year awards, recognizing the brand’s commitment to providing exceptional service and great value to AAA/CAA’s nearly 58 million members in the U.S. and Canada. Best Western-branded hotels were top ranked in J.D. Power’s 2017 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study – ranking first in breakfast (food and beverage category) for midscale; and second in overall guest satisfaction. Over 32 million travelers are members of the brand’s award-winning loyalty program Best Western Rewards®, one of the few programs in which members earn points that never expire and can be redeemed at any Best Western hotel worldwide. Best Western’s partnerships with AAA/CAA and Harley-Davidson® provide travelers with exciting ways to interact with the brand. Through its partnership with Google® Street View, Best Western is the first major company of its size and scale to launch a virtual reality experience for customers, setting a new industry standard and reinventing how guests view hotels.
– All Best Western and SureStay-branded hotels are independently owned and operated.
– Numbers are approximate, may fluctuate, and include hotels currently in the development pipeline.

Contact information:
Marketing Communications Department
Best Western Hotels and Resorts – Asia
Tel: +66 2 656 1260
Sirimanas Maungrod
Orapan Sornnuwat

IATA New Settlement Systems to Replace BSP

IATA New Settlement Systems to Replace BSP

Geneva (Switzerland) – November 24, 2017 ( – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the Passenger Agency Conference (PAConf), composed of IATA’s member airlines, adopted Resolutions for the full implementation of the New Generation of IATA Settlement Systems (NewGen ISS) initiative. NewGen ISS represents the most extensive and ambitious modernization of the IATA Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) since it was created in 1971 to facilitate the global distribution and settlement of funds between travel agents and airlines. Last year, the BSP processed $219 billion in airline funds with 100% on-time settlement.

“Implementation of NewGen ISS is a critical step forward by the global air transport industry in ensuring that the BSP continues to serve the industry’s financial settlement requirements for years to come. It is the culmination of a multi-year engagement with participants in the air travel value chain, including airlines, travel agents, and IT and system providers. It will bring greater options and flexibility to our travel agent partners, while providing even more financial security to airlines,” said Aleks Popovich, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Financial and Distribution Services.

Last year, the PAConf approved the development and introduction of three pillars of NewGen ISS comprising:

– Three levels of travel agent accreditation, offering greater flexibility. Travel agents will be able to choose the model most applicable to their business, as well as to convert across models as their business evolves.
– IATA EasyPay – a voluntary pay-as-you-go e-wallet solution for issuance of airline tickets in the BSP that offers a lower cost per transaction. As a secure form of payment, IATA EasyPay transactions are not part of a travel agent’s cash sales at risk. This allows travel agents a means to lower their financial security amounts held with –
IATA, and to issue transactions which are not included in their BSP remittance capacity.
– Global Default Insurance – an optional financial security alternative for travel agents that presents a cost effective and flexible alternative to bank guarantees and other types of security.

Remittance Holding Capacity
To these three pillars is now added a fourth. The Remittance Holding Capacity (RHC) is a risk management framework to enable safer selling and mitigate losses resulting from travel agency defaults. For the majority of travel agents, the RHC will be calculated based on the average of the three highest reporting periods of the previous 12 months plus 100%. Furthermore, measures will be available allowing travel agents to manage to their RHC, and to continue selling in a secure manner should their RHC ever be reached. A joint travel agent and airline group has been working collaboratively on RHC over the past year.

“Remittance Holding Capacity is about safer selling. Airlines have no desire to restrict or limit travel agent sales. At the same time it is important to have agreed-upon, prudential safeguards in place to protect airline revenues. The RHC levels are the outcome of a collaborative process involving airlines and travel agents, to ensure that travel agents have the flexibility they need, while protecting airline ticket sales,” said Popovich.

Transparency in Payments
Additionally, the Resolution text incorporates provisions related to Transparency in Payments (TIP), a new industry initiative. TIP reveals the different features and costs associated with each form of payment and agent remittance of airline funds. As it stands today, airlines only see the settlement costs after the fact, if at all. No form of remittance is barred by TIP, but travel agents can only use those forms to which an airline has previously given consent. Importantly, TIP allows travel agents to use their own credit cards – previously not supported in the BSP — if an airline consents.

“Transparency in Payments provides a pro-competitive framework for bilateral arrangements between airlines and travel agents that will facilitate the introduction of new and innovative payment solutions,” said Popovich.

Next Steps
NewGen ISS and Transparency in Payments will be rolled out progressively from March 2018. Certain pillars, including IATA EasyPay and Global Default Insurance (GDI) are already available in some markets. GDI has been implemented in more than 20 markets worldwide, while IATA EasyPay is being piloted in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.

Aleks Popovich, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Financial and Distribution Services, discusses NewGen ISS.

IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents nearly 275 airlines comprising 83% of global air traffic.

IATA’s Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) operates in some 180 countries and territories, not including the US, to facilitate and simplify the selling, reporting and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents, as well as to improve financial control and cash flow for its approximately 400 participating airlines.

The Passenger Agency Conference (PAConf) takes actions on matters (excluding remuneration levels) relating to the relationships between airlines and recognized passenger sales agents and other intermediaries.

Take Your Dining Experience to New Heights…in the Sky

Take Your Dining Experience to New Heights…in the Sky

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 24, 2017 ( – Dinner In The Sky Thailand has launched its special brand of Unforgettable High Altitude Dining Experiences in Thailand, the first time this global phenomenon has been made available to Thais and international visitors to Bangkok. Featuring the world’s only suspended dinner table, twenty-two guests are fixed securely in German TUV-approved safety harnesses, enjoying a four-course gourmet dinner prepared by Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit and accompanied by incredible city views from an area of 1,000 SQ.M. above the Emporium and Dinosaur Planet – Straight off BTS Phrom Phong.

Twenty-two guests will be seating with specially equipped safety belts around a large dinner table with the entire Dinner In The Sky system suspended by a 200-tonne European telescopic boom crane. The experience promises front row seats to the most astonishing views the city has to offer, either at Sunset or late on into the night sky – a culinary experience like nothing else bound by the laws of gravity. And with free UBER rides to and from the experience, the entire night will be a night to remember!

Friso Poldervaart of Dinner In The Sky Thailand can barely contain his excitement as he explains, “Thailand has always been recognized as a leader in Asia for dining options of all kinds. But Dinner In The Sky is Thailand’s first high-end dinner table to be suspended and served at this altitude. This innovation encourages guests to ‘Take their Eating Experience to New Heights’. We’re pleased to say that it’s the first time EVER in Thailand that Dinner In the Sky is ready for take-off. Think of DITS as the World’s most exciting dining event coming to town!”

Dinner In The Sky Thailand is launching in Bangkok on 20th December, 2017. The launch (in every sense of the word) is presented in collaboration with DITS ASIA, The Emporium Group and Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, which will also serve as Official Caterer. Mr. Robert Wittebrood, Executive Assistant Manager of Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, spoke on behalf of the hotel: “We have a catering team on site headed by Executive Chef Gaetano Palumbo who has designed a menu that perfectly complements the extraordinary high-altitude experience on first take-off. The food we prepare is of exceptional quality and will be remembered by guests as the other essential half of this extraordinary experience.”

Dinner In The Sky has operations in over 45 countries including France, USA, Holland, Colombia, China, Macau, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan, Portugal and now, finally – Thailand.

Johannes Bergstrom of Dinner In The Sky Thailand says, “Bangkok enjoys a massive Foodie scene, with millions glued to Facebook and Instagram on the lookout for something new. And now we can proudly say, this is it!”

Dinner in the Sky is designed according to German safety standard DIN 4112 regarding flying structures specifications, and has surpassed world-leading German TUV-accredited standards. With more than 10 years of operations in over 45 countries, Dinner in the Sky is a professionally handled production that has been tested and retested to guarantee absolute safety of diners at all times.

Based in Kuala Lumpur, DITS ASIA chose Thailand to become the second South-East Asian country (after Malaysia in 2015) to have the experience. Arvin Randahwa, CEO of DITS ASIA, said, “Dinner In The Sky Thailand will be a perfect addition to the country’s many attractions, and both locals and tourists alike should not miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience. “

Mr.Manatase Annawat, Deputy Managing Director of The Emporium Group Co., Ltd, adds, “We are pleased to welcome this dining extravaganza to join the Emporium and the EmQuartier Shopping Complex. We are delighted to support this program, and know from the current guest list that it will be immensely popular.”

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) also supports Dinner In The Sky Thailand. DITS is working in co-operation with ‘Amazing Thailand Tourism 2018’, an ongoing and evolving initiative by TAT to continue to grow inbound visitor numbers and tourism revenue.

Seats are sold online for 4,990 THB on weekdays and 5,390 THB at the weekend, inclusive of the four-course meal by Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit. There will be two flight sessions per day: Sunset at 18:00 and City Lights at 19:30. The flight duration is 60 minutes.

– A high quality ‘novelty’ restaurant service and dining experience

– Uses a crane to hoist its diners, table and waiting staff 150 feet (50 meters) into the air with a 200-ton German telescopic boom provided by TSK Diamond

– Guests are served a 1-hour long, 4-course dinner prepared by renowned Chef Gaetano Palumbo from Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit

– Guests are required to fill in a release of liability form. Toilets are available on the ground

– Lockers are available for guests to store their personal belongings

– Guests are allowed to take mobile phones and cameras with them during the flight

– The in-the-air suspended table was developed following the highest safety standards and is produced in Belgium

– Hosting up to 22 guests as well as 1 chef and 2 waiters, guests enjoy high quality food & drinks, music and breathtaking views

Forbes magazine called it one of the world’s ten most unusual restaurants. The world’s leading media showed their interest in the concept, and it has been featured on ABC, NBC, TF1, The Herald Tribune, Le Monde, the Frankfurter Allgemeine, People Magazine, Elle and Forbes.

For more information about culinary tourism in Thailand and to discover Thailand and Asia’s best restaurants, please visit

For all your hotel bookings in Brussels, Benelux, Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Samui and worldwide go to

African Union’s Auguste Ngomo Meets Alain St. Ange of Seychelles

African Union’s Auguste Ngomo Meets Alain St. Ange of Seychelles

Livingstone (Zambia) – Novemver 24, 2017 ( – Alain St.Ange, the Head of Saint Ange Consultancy with its weekly Saint Ange Tourism Report was in Livingstone, Zambia this week as the consultant for the PMAESA (the Ports Body for Southern & Eastern Africa) to bring forth the importance of Cruise Africa for the Continent.

Also present was H.E. Auguste Ngomo, the AU Regional Delegate for Southern Africa, SADC and COMESA. The meeting as could be expected touched on the African Union’s supposed request to Seychelles for St.Ange to be removed as a Candidate for the UNWTO elections for the position of Secretary General and the threat of sanction that this request entailed.

Alain St.Ange is the former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine and before that the island’s Minister for Tourism and Culture. He was First President of the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands and was also the former Seychelles Candidate for the position of Secretary-General of the UNWTO. He is today the President of the Seychelles Labor Union, Deputy Secretary General of FORSEAA (Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN) based in Jakarta Indonesia, listed as a Consultant for TMN (Travel Marketing Network) in New York USA, Co-Chair of the SUNx (Strong Universal Network) Organisation in London UK, Vice President & Founding Member of ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), Consultant to PMAESA (Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa) based in Mombassa Kenya, CIOA (Cruise Indian Ocean Association) based in Durban South Africa and for Cruise Africa.

After the meeting in Livingstone Alain St.Ange said:- “I am happy to report that we discussed the past, the present and the future of our region and its AU Organisation’s possible involvement. The AU is and should be the organisation that rallies us and cannot ever be the body that goes against all what our forefathers fought to break. Respect and sovereignty must be guiding principles that are sacred for the Continent’s grouping to ensure we are and remain proud”.

“We also discussed the need to the AU to be more involved in tourism as a vital industry for the African Continent” St.Ange said in ending.

New Thai Hospitality Brand Haven’t Met Silom Opens

New Thai Hospitality Brand Haven’t Met Silom Opens

Bangkok (Thailand) – November 24, 2017 ( – The hip new technology driven brand offers comfortable yet practical city stays with integrated technology that connects guests with each other and city experiences with complimentary use of 4G connected, interactive in-room smart tablets loaded with a custom hotel app. The tablet has a dedicated chat room for guests to meet up in, chat with each other, and plan activities and trips around the Thai capital. It also features a local area map, a hotel directory, restaurant and room service menus, as well as music streaming via JOOX.

Haven’t Met Silom features 70 smart, stylish rooms in two categories spread through 9 floors. The Awesome (20sqm) room and Sensational (24sqm) room offer comfort and convenience with practical layouts enhanced by quality furnishings and fittings. Room rates start from THB 2500.

Cloud 9 Restaurant offers guests a daily breakfast buffet, complemented by a la carte Asian and International dishes, with generous portions served at affordable prices. There is also a 24-hour lounge with complimentary soft drinks and snacks. Cloud 9 Casual Rooftop is the hotel’s stylish al fresco pool bar with quality drinks, creative Thai fusion food and stunning cityscape views Mr. Chayaphon Hunrungroj, Chairman of Sincere Capital Land said, “We invested THB120 million in this new project to target millennial travellers from Asia and around the world. Thailand has a lot of new hotels launching, but not many of them target the real needs of millennial travellers. As a new Thai brand we aim to offer affordable, experience- led stays. Our target occupancy is 80% in the first year and we expect this to reach 90% in the second year.”

Mr. Patrick Pratummanee, Executive Director explains the inspiration behind the Haven’t Met concept. “Today’s young, affluent travellers are looking for practical comfort in convenient location. They need a base to explore the city and they want to know the best things to see, to do, and what’s new. They also want to share their travel experience with their social network and make new friends.”

Haven’t Met Silom offers these entire benefits and the hotel app lets them plan their trip together before they check in, share experiences during the stay and upload memories after their trip. The app gives them the inside track on what Bangkok has to offer, and they can then experience the city with a choice of specially selected travel experiences that can be booked directly on the tablet.

“The experiences are what really connect guests to Bangkok so we have selected the best and partnered with a range of operators to offer a wide range of memorable excursions and adventures. The experiences are all carefully chosen so travellers can really get under the skin of the city,” adds Mr. Pratummanee

Haven’t Met Experiences include everything from sampling local street food to the finest gourmet dining. Guests can choose to visit a pop-up market, or explore the city’s sophisticated retail malls. They can relax with a sublime spa treatment to sooth their muscles after a session of Muay Thai boxing training, then head out on a party night to the city’s coolest rooftop bars.

“In a city as varied as Bangkok the key to a memorable stay is being able to choose the experiences you will enjoy the most” adds Mr. Pratummanee. “Exploring local and international attractions, discovering the history and traditions of the city, or diving into contemporary culture. That is what travel is all about. Haven’t Met Silom introduces the many faces of Bangkok,” he adds.

The company expects to break even in five years and the team at Haven’t Met Hotels is currently exploring new destinations in Thailand to launch owned and managed hotel properties in downtown, riverfront locations in Bangkok and other cities, as well as resort destinations like Phuket.

About Haven’t Met Silom
Haven’t Met Silom puts guests in the heart of the Thai capital and offers a hip, social, tech driven stay with a choice of 70 rooms and two room types, plus the Cloud 9 Restaurant, Lounge and Rooftop bar. Inspiring guided urban experiences reveal the best of Bangkok’s food, shopping, nightlife, culture and adventure activities. For solo travellers or groups of friends HAVEN’T MET SILOM offers a convenient, stylish and comfortable base from which to uncover the secrets of Asia’s City of Angels.